Privacy and cookie statement Gametimer

This privacy and cookie statement was last modified on 13-08-2019.

We process personal data via the Gametimer app and via the website (of GT Enterprise BV). We respect the privacy of our visitors and users. We ensure that the personal information you give us is treated confidentially. We therefore process your personal data in a careful and secure manner.

Our privacy and cookie statement in brief
In our processing, we adhere to the requirements of privacy legislation. This means, among other things, that:
• we clearly state the purposes for which we process personal data. We do this via this privacy and cookie statement;
• store as little personal data as possible and only the data necessary for our purposes;
• take necessary security measures to protect your personal data. We also impose these obligations on parties that process personal data for us;
• respect your rights, such as your right to inspect, change or delete personal data.

For what purposes do we use your personal data?

Contact and customer service
When you send us an email or contact us via a contact form, we may use your name, email address and submitted messages to answer your request or question (agreement) we keep your data until we think you are completely satisfied are.

If you call our customer service team, the call may be recorded for training purposes. We will also inform you about this during the telephone conversation. This way we can use your question or complaint as an example during (internal) training and your message can contribute to improving our customer service. We have a legitimate interest in improving our customer service. You can always object to recording the conversation and/or using it for training purposes. Please indicate this directly to your conversation partner at the beginning of the telephone conversation.

Buying the Gametimer
You can order the Gametimer via our website. When placing the order, we process your name, address, email and billing information to process the order and deliver your purchase. We are obliged to keep the billing data for 7 years.

Using the Gametimer app
You can download the Gametimer app from the Google Play or Apple App Store. If you have downloaded the Gametimer app, we ask you to register as a main user and create an account. For this we need your name, email, address, language and password you have entered. We also ask you to enter the details of the gamer (the child) who will use the Gametimer. This concerns the name (can be a username), gender, age (birth month and year) of the child. This data is processed for the execution of the agreement to use Gametimer.

The app has different functionalities that are available depending on the variant you choose. With the standard variant it is possible to enter and manage playing times for your child and link this to the Gametimer. The Gametimer or app is not linked to the console itself. Depending on which paid variant you purchase, more functionalities are available. It is possible, among other things, to gain insight into your child's playing times via statistics and graphs. For example, you can see whether gaming use has increased or decreased over a certain period. You can even compare your child's playing behavior with other children of the same age in a different region, for example. In addition, it is possible to add multiple parents and multiple children to the app.

We store this data, including statistics and graphs about your child, until you cancel your account. We only share anonymized usage data with third parties (see the 'When can we share your data with third parties?' below for more information).

Information for children (the gamers)
By using Gametimer we also keep track of information about you as a child. Your parents can enter your name, gender and age in the app. The app then keeps track of when and how long you play. Your parents can adjust and view this information in the app until they cancel the account. We process this data to execute the agreement with your parents to use Gametimer. The heading 'Privacy rights' below also applies to you.

If you want to stay informed of new developments, special products and offers, you can subscribe to our newsletter. We register your email address for this purpose. We only send the newsletter with your permission. Each newsletter also contains an unsubscribe link with which you can unsubscribe again.

We take appropriate technical and organizational measures with regard to the processing of personal data to be carried out, against loss or against any form of unlawful processing (such as unauthorized access, impairment, modification or provision of the personal data).

When can we share your personal data with third parties?
We only share your data with third parties when this is permitted under current legislation. This means that we have a basis, or if we engage the third party as a supplier. We may also share data with third parties when we are legally obliged to do so (for example if the police require this if a crime is suspected). The parties that process personal data on our or your behalf are:
• IT suppliers and service providers;
• payment service providers;
• cookie suppliers;
• telecom suppliers;
• consultants and intermediaries engaged.

In addition, we may share anonymized usage data (no names, only playing times and possibly age and place of residence) of your child with third parties for research or commercial purposes. This provides insight, for example, into how much playing time parents in a certain region allocate on average to 13-year-olds.

Our website and app use our own and third-party cookies. Cookies are information files that can be automatically stored on or read from the visitor's device (such as PC, tablet or smartphone) when visiting a website. This is done via the web browser on the device. We use cookies to:
• Enable functionalities of the website and app (technical or functional cookies)
• Analyze the use of the website and app and improve the website based on this (analytical cookies)
• Show you personalized advertisements (marketing cookies)

These cookies collect the following personal data:
• IP address
• Cookie ID
• Website, app and click behavior
• Referer URL

When you visit our website or app for the first time, we will show a message with an explanation about cookies. Where we are obliged, we will ask for your permission to use cookies.

We may use the following cookies:

Cloudflare – Functional
Cloudflare, United States Privacy Shield , Privacy declaration .
Goal – Cloudflare, the content network, identifies trusted web traffic.
Retention period – Maximum 1 year

DoubleClick – Marketing
Google LLC, United States Privacy Shield , Privacy declaration
Goal – These cookies are used to record the actions of website visitors after viewing/clicking on advertisements. The purpose of this is to measure effectiveness and show personalized advertisements.
Retention period – Maximum 1 year

Google Analytics – Analytical
Google LLC, United States Privacy Shield , Privacy declaration
Goal – Cookies are placed to gain insight into visitor behavior and to improve the user experience based on this. We have set these cookies in a privacy-friendly manner. That means we:

  • have concluded a processing agreement with Google;
  • Only provide Google with masked IP addresses;
  • do not share any further data with Google; and
  • do not use other Google services in combination with Analytics.

Retention period – Maximum 2 years

Google Tag Manager – Analytical
Google LLC, United States Privacy Shield , Privacy declaration
With these cookies we can easily install plug-ins and cookies from Google.
Retention period – Session

Hotjar – Analytical
Hotjar, Malta Privacy declaration
Hotjar provides us with anonymized information about how our website is used.
Retention period – Maximum 1 year


YouTube -Marketing
Facebook, United States Privacy Shield , Privacy declaration
These cookies make it possible to play videos. This displays content from other websites.
Retention period – Session

Delete cookies
Most cookies have an expiration date. If an expiration date is set, the cookie will be automatically deleted when the expiration date expires. You can also choose to manually delete the cookies before the expiry date has expired. Consult your browser manual for this. It is possible that certain parts of our website will no longer work properly.

Links to other websites
This privacy and cookie statement does not apply to third-party websites that are connected to our website through links. We cannot guarantee that these third parties handle your personal data in a reliable, secure manner. We recommend that you read the privacy statement of these websites before using these websites.

Changes to this privacy and cookie statement
When our services change, we must of course also adjust our privacy and cookie statement. Therefore, please regularly consult this privacy and cookie statement for the most up-to-date information.

Privacy rights
If you have any questions or would like to know what personal data we have about you, you can always contact us via the contact details below.

In addition, you have the following rights:
• receive an explanation about what personal data we have and what we do with it;
• gain access to the precise personal data we have;
• having incorrect personal data corrected;
• withdrawal of consent;
• object to a certain use;
• restricting processing;
• transferring personal data (or having them transferred).

When making a request, we may ask you to identify yourself. We request information for this purpose to ensure that you are the correct person to whom the personal data belongs.

In principle, we will respond to your request within 30 days. However, this period may be extended for reasons related to specific privacy rights or the complexity of the request. If we extend this period, we will inform you in a timely manner.

Dutch Data Protection Authority
Of course, we are happy to help you if you have any complaints about the processing of your personal data. Under privacy legislation, you also have the right to file a complaint with the Dutch Data Protection Authority against this processing of personal data. You can contact the Dutch Data Protection Authority for this.

Contact details
For questions about your data, the way we handle it or about this privacy and cookie statement, you can contact our customer service:


You can also write a letter:
GT Enterprise BV
Vijfhuizenberg 42
4708 AL Roosendaal

Chamber of Commerce number: 78599342